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OU Administrative Policies

罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482

OU Administrative Policies

罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482



理由是:  大学关闭政策和相关程序为有序取消课程提供指导, 推迟开始, 紧急关闭, and Early Release of Employees during Extreme Conditions.

政策:  To ensure continuity of services to 学生 and the public, 十大菠菜台子的政策是保持开放,除非在极端情况下.  During Extreme Conditions the University may initiate Cancellation of Classes, 推迟开始, 紧急关闭 or Early Release of Employees.  Responsibility for such a decision rests with the Chief Of Staff (COS), in consultation with 总统, the Executive Vice 总统 for Academic Affairs and 教务长 (教务长), Sr. VP for Student Affairs and the VP for Finance & 政府.  部门主管、经理和主管无权做出这样的决定.

适用范围及适用性:  This policy applies to all faculty, 工作人员, 学生, 游客, vendors and University departments unless specific exceptions are granted.  The policy applies to all University activities regardless of the day of the week.


取消课程:  在一段时间内,由于极端天气,课程被取消,大学仍然开放,所有大学办公室继续运作,工作人员继续定期轮班.


推迟开始:  If a 推迟开始 is initiated, 延迟上课时间将被公布和沟通,所有在延迟上课时间之前正常开始的课程将被取消.

紧急关闭:  An unanticipated official closing of the University due to Extreme Conditions.  预定的课程被取消,大部分大学办公室关闭,大学停止运作.

早期的版本:  允许员工在正常下班时间之前离开工作岗位,而不会因极端情况而损失工资或使用休假.  提前释放也可能适用于在大学开放期间,由于特定建筑物内或周围的极端情况而关闭的特定建筑物. 


操作的一天:  Unless otherwise specified, the Operational Day (24 hour day) for 紧急关闭s begins at 5:00 a.m.  如果轮班的开始时间是在关闭当天的操作日的开始时间或期间,则在紧急关闭时取消定期安排的轮班.


极端条件下:  Extreme Conditions include, 但不限于, 恶劣天气, 自然灾害, 重大公用设施故障, 公共安全问题.


Designated Essential Personnel:  指定必要人员包括警察局的某些人员。, 设施管理, 学生住房, 及其他由总裁或适当的部门主管决定的必要事项.


1. When inclement weather is likely to impact southeastern Michigan, 警务处处长将召集一个气象小组,讨论风暴的影响,以及任何可能的操作调整,以确保校园正常的商业和学术活动是安全的.  Once a recommendation is determined, the Chief of Police shall forward this recommendation to the Chief of Staff, 总统, 教务长, Sr. VP for Student Affairs, and the VP for Finance & 政府 for their consideration.  The Chief of Staff will make the final determination based on their input.

2.  紧急关闭 Procedure:  When an 紧急关闭 is declared, 学生 and employees will receive notice of closing by various means; website homepage, 电子邮件, text message or local media and/or, 为员工, established departmental procedures.


3.  Early Release of Employees:  Early Release is at the discretion of the Deans, 部门主管, 经理, supervisors or their designees.

4.  学术方面的考虑:  在取消课程或紧急关闭期间,异步在线课程不会有任何作业或考试.  Existing synchronous online courses and in-person on campus courses are canceled.

Academic issues related to class make-up, 在线课程, 重新安排测试, individual faculty or student absences, 等., 是否由负责的教员或适当的学术部门或单位逐案处理.  如果课程取消或紧急关闭发生在期末考试期间, 任何错过的期末考试时段或天数将在原定期末考试时段结束后的第一天或几天内依次补考.  重新安排的期末考试将在原计划的同一时间和地点进行.  除非课程安排在周六或周日,否则期末考试不会被重新安排在周六或周日.

5.  Scheduled On-Campus Programs:  All scheduled activities will be cancelled during an 紧急关闭, 然而, 在特殊情况下, 总统, 或被任命者, may allow a scheduled event (e.g. special meeting, athletic competitions and activities, 等.)发生.  The Communications and Marketing Department will make a public announcement.

6.  During 紧急关闭s and Cancellation of Classes, 十大菠菜台子 classes at the Macomb University Center (MUC), 十大菠菜台子 West Campus (OWC), Moceri房子, and the Engineering 研究 Facility will also be cancelled.

If Macomb Community College Center Campus (and University Center) is closed, OU classes at the MUC will be cancelled.

The Director of Macomb County Outreach, in collaboration with the 教务长, 或被任命者, has the authority to cancel classes at the MUC under Extreme Conditions.  

7.  西澳大学医学院:  See 西澳大学医学院 Student Handbook for guidance on class cancellation. 

8.  其他非现场地点:  During 紧急关闭s and Cancellation of Classes, 只有当校外地点所在的地点管理已关闭或取消课程时,校外地点才会关闭或取消课程. 


9.  公告:  All public announcements concerning Cancellation of Classes, 延迟开工或紧急关闭由通信和市场部协调.  体育和校园娱乐部门的指定人员将向传播和营销部门通报这两个领域的活动状况和设施的可用性.  As soon as the decision has been made to cancel classes, delay the start of classes, or to close the University, 通知将发送到当地媒体,信息可以通过校园信息电话线获得, (248) 370-2000, 和网站, www.奥克兰.edu as well as the Emergency Notification System.  (Please do not telephone the OUPD dispatchers for closing information).  学生信息中心和学生参与办公室将作为学生的信息来源.  有关大学关闭政策的相关信息将每年在奥克兰邮报上刊登.

10.  Guidelines for Compensation during 紧急关闭s

a.  请病假的员工, 假期, 或事假(或计划休假)将继续将离开工作的时间记入各自的应计帐户, because they would not have been at work during the 紧急关闭.

b.  All non-bargained 为员工, who are scheduled to work, 有资格获得在该业务日正常安排的工作时间的报酬.  工作的员工按工作时间支付工资,并按每工作一小时的费率给予补偿性休假.  Compensatory leave should be scheduled within the next four (4) weeks, 时间由员工和直接主管共同商定.

c.  All bargained 为员工 (OUCMT, OUPSA, 美国大学, POAM and COAM) should refer to their respective collective bargaining agreement.

d.  临时, 临时员工和学生员工没有资格获得报酬,除非实际工作时间并经其主管批准.

11.  Guidelines for Compensation for Early Release of Employees

a.  获得该休假时间的员工将在该工作日正常工作的剩余时间内按正常工资支付工资.

b.  未获得提前释放的员工将继续按正常工作时间支付正常工资.

c.  临时, 临时员工和学生员工没有资格获得报酬,除非实际工作时间并经其主管批准.

12.  Designated Essential Personnel:  在关键领域,董事有责任为指定关键人员制定适当的报告和工作分配程序,以便在紧急关闭和提前释放员工期间执行.  这些程序应由其各自的经理和主管定期与受影响的员工进行沟通.

